August 18, 2008
Well, it's that time of year again. School is starting!! Ezri will be in 2nd grade this year and Xavier is off to Kindergarten. I can't believe I have 2 in school. I'm so excited.
This summer has flown by with not much to report. We moved last month to a house closer to campus. I'm excited to have a dishwasher again. I surely took for granted having one of those things . . .
Arthur started his student teaching. He is teaching Literature and English at Sugar Salem High School. He is nervous, but I know he will get the hang of things in no time. It's a little strange that we are almost done with this college portion of our lives. We've been is school for so long, it's all I know! I'm scared for what the "real world" has lined up for us. I hope we can make it.