Does anybody even read these things anymore??
I just now remembered that I have a Blog! Maybe I should write in it. There just isn't much to report. We are still here, in the little house we are renting, and moving, hopefully, into Spring. I am SOOO ready for Summer! Rexburg winters are killer, but luckily this one hasn't been so bad. The worst thing is that the kids are in the house all day every day. Poor little guys and girl. I know I get cabin fever. Luckily I have a Wal Mart to go wander around. We are still searching for jobs. We submitted an application to a job in Afton, Wyoming. Hopefully something will come out of that. Bad part of that, though, Afton doesn't even have a Wal Mart. What will I ever do?
The kids are doing well in school. After last parent teacher conferences Xavier's teacher said she thought we should get him tested for ADHD. You know, I'm just not willing to face that yet. I know he probably has some ADD, but don't we all??? Sometimes I don't know what is considered ADD and what is just normal kid behavior. He is such a super smart little kid. He and I just made our own secret hand shake that we practice several times a day.
Ezri is doing wonderful in school. She loves it and I really hope it stays that way. She is still so friend oriented. That girl is so funny! She has the greatest sense of humor. She has already perfected the art of sarcasm. I think she learned it from me.
Tanis and Zarek are busy as usual. Their days usually consist of X box, eating, and more X box. Zarek is quite good, and Tanis is even better. The other day Zarek informed us that he had a "election" of pull ups. We found out he's been stashing away his used pull ups in the closet. He was quite proud of his collection. Yuck. I think Tanis will be really happy to go to school next year. I can't believe that. I'll have 3 out of the house! 2 more to go!
Ryker is adorable, as always. He is 7 months old now and has learned to drag himself around. He can now clap on command and gives very wet, sloppy kisses. I love it. I'm so excited to see him grow up but sad at the same time knowing he's my last little baby.
I'll just have to snuggle the new babies that my sibling have. My brother Andy and his wife Yula are expecting a baby boy this summer. I'm so excited for them. Well, I hope it's not another year until I write in this again. I need to be better about this. Hope all who reads is happy and healthy. Love to all!
I do read your blog when you update. I look at blog every morning to see if anyone has updated. Thanks for the catch up. Good luck on the job hunt. It would be fun to have you guys up here.
Sarah -- you're alive! And your blog is too! How happy to see your stinkin' cutie-patooties! Afton, WY is beee-utiful and very cold. But did I mention absolutely beautiful!?!
YUP sure do! I read blogs. It's my one and main hobby! I didn't know you had one. Email me your blogger ID and I will add you to
I forgot all about blogging!!! Been over a year so i figure its time to start again. I miss it!
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