
It has been quite a while since I've written. We have been busy as usual. I always think it's a great idea to babysit to make a few extra bucks during the semester, but then end up hating myself because of it. Babysitting really makes me appreciate my own kids. When I only have my 4, life is easy! We found out that our 5th baby is going to be another little boy! I am way excited even though I mostly got apologies when I told people the news. I have to admit, It would have been fun to have another little girl to dress up. Ezri stopped letting me dress her up long ago! She won't even let me do her hair! I think another boy is going to fit into this crazy family just perfectly. Zarek broke his leg right before Thanksgiving. He was jumping off my bed and must have landed wrong. He wore a bright red cast for about 6 weeks. At first it was pretty hard on him, but he soon learned to walk with it and did just fine. It took a good 3 weeks for him to walk right on his leg. He was pretty gimpy for awhile. Now he's back to running and climbing . . . right into the next accident I'm sure. Xavier lost his first tooth. He pulled it out all by himself! He got a little freaked out when he saw the blood. I think he used about a half roll of toilet paper to aid in the process. The tooth fairy forgot about coming until the last minute and he ended up with $5 for his first tooth because that's all we had! I made sure it was clear that the first tooth was extra special and to not expect that kind of pay off every time. I would go broke! We had another visit to the emergency room last Friday. Tanis slipped and hit the back of his head on the fireplace. I can't believe how much heads bleed! He ended up with 4 staples to close up about an inch long gash. He was very brave and talked the nurses ear off. That kid can make a conversation with anybody. Not much to report about Ezri. She is doing great in school and loves to play with her friends whenever she can. Arthur is only taking one class this semester and is scheduled to take his teacher certification test in March. We will be (hopefully) starting the application process soon so we can find a place to live and work for awhile. I am excited and nervous for all these changes coming up. Hopefully we will survive.
Oh my -- thank you for the graphic picutres... :) Hang in there! You are awesome!
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