Life is so fragile!
To celebrate the end of summer, the town of Rexburg has a big shindig down at one of the local parks. I thought it would be fun to take the kids, since we rarely get out of the house these days it seems. I had a friend that wanted to walk down with me, so we were all set. The park was packed full of people and fun things for the kids to do. Little booths with prizes and those jumpy things that the kids love so much. They even had a real army helicopter and a firetruck that was spraying down the fields for the kids to run in. I sent the kids out to play in the water, and before you know it, Tanis is missing. I look and look and finally find him at the playground crying. Poor little guy. Soon after our reunion, Zarek takes off! Jesh! I am such a negligent parent! It's hard to keep track of these little suckers! For some reason, when Tanis was lost, I was as cool as a cucumber knowing that he would turn up. But Zarek! I was a worried mess!!! It was a good 20 minutes until one of the police men found him. He was just as happy as he could be with a sticker they had given him. I dried my eyes and took my little guy realizing how easy one of my precious babies could slip away from me. What would I do without them? I get frustrated with them to easy and need to take a break every now and then and just enjoy my little monkeys. I want Heavenly Father to know that I am very grateful for the children he has given me to take care of. I will be more watchful from now on! Love your kids!
SCARY! I would have been in a total panic! I'm so glad you found them both.
Luckily, Elliot is glued to my hip so I couldn't lose him if I tried most days. :)
Wow. It is crazy just how fast something like that could happen. I am glad nothing happened. You had someone watching over you for sure.
Okay, so next time you try to disguise having your child get "lost", send them my way instead! :)
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