Fall Is Here... or maybe Winter
Well the weather here in Rexburg is getting colder and colder . . . We even got snow the other day! I'm so not ready for winter yet. I'm still craving the sun and warmth. I guess I really need to pick another place to live if that is what I want. We all went to Yellowstone this last Saturday. It was SOOOOO cold up there. It snowed the whole way there and the whole way back. We didn't see a single cool animal, and by the time we wanted to go home, the park had closed the road to get out. We had to wait an hour in a parking lot. At least we can say that we went. Old Faithful was cool. It just seemes like a waste to pay 25 bucks to get into the park and to only have seen a bunch of steam errupt from the ground. Maybe we'll have to go again in the spring. Hopefully we'll hve better luck then. I have really been getting into the Halloween mood lately. I want to throw a party here but am having a hard time getting started. Halloween decorations are expensive! Especially when starting from scratch. The kids and I made bats this morning. They turned out pretty cute. Other then this, not much has been going on. Arthur went back to student teaching this morning. He was really nervous! I'm sure he'll get back into the swing of things fast. I'm just going to miss him being gone all the time again. I really liked having him home. On a lighter note, Zarek is potty trained!! I can't believe I am done with diapers! It's been 8 long years and I'm so excited to not have to change any more of my kids poopy diapers. Yay for me. I hope eveyone is happy and healthy. Happy Halloween!
YAY Zarek!
I kind of miss Rexburg. I really would like to bundle up right now, it's in about 80 degrees here :( Boo-Hiss.
Congrats on the done-age with diaperville! I haven't even started yet :(
We had so much stinkin' fun at your Halloween Party! Thanks for planning such a super-doooper-fun activity!!!! :) You are ze best!
I heard you are pregnant again! when is the baby due? More poopy diapers for you, Sorry!
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